Welcome to urban noise pollution!  At least that's my best guess.  I have
switch mode power supplies in my house along with the PWM motor controller
on my furnace that make noise like that.  The one I had that acted exactly
like yours was a SMPS powering my security cameras.  The frequency changes
with minor variations in the load, which causes the drifting you see, and
the long wires feeding my cameras make great transmitting antennas.  You
can track down and reduce or eliminate the noise coming from your own
house, but then you'll start picking it up from the neighborhood and beyond.

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 3:50 PM, konrad schultz <konra...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Anyone having a similar problem.  I see (on the panafall) and hear in the
> headphones a sweeping signal or noise that regularly and slowly goes across
> the band in time.  Right to left and then back.  Adds 20 db of noise to a
> -119 db threshold on 20M CW.   I am using my FLEX 3000 portable here at our
> condo in SW FL.  Ant is a portable dipole mounted on a camera tripod using
> two MFG 20M whips and stands 3-6 feet off the ground.   50 Ohm coax.  New
> Lenovo laptop.  All seemed to work fine at our QTH up north on 80M dipole -
> which is up in two trees. Thoughts?  Best, Konrad W1KON
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