I haven't tried Ray's Voice Keyer, I use the one in WinWarbler, part of the DXLab suite. I recorded the snippets the same way you did using PSDR with the same microphone that I use live so that hopefully it actually sounds like me. Is it live or is it Memorex? I agree that it beats repeating your call into a pile up and for some reason it really seems to be a "pile-driver". I liked your term :-) In fact, just a few minutes ago I managed to crack what sounded to me like an impossible pile up on FH8PL.

I have also used it for remote operation at times when I don't even have a microphone to talk into. The limited number of snippets can sometimes prevent you from saying something you'd like to but most DX contacts are just, "Thank you, 59 73", anyway.

73, Rich - W3ZJ

Jim Jannuzzo wrote:
I'll put a vote in for Ray's Voice Keyer software, if you're trying to send 
canned voice snippets.  I use PSDR to record a snippet, Audacity to fix it up, 
and then Voice Keyer to send it.  It sure beats repeating a call sign into a 
pileup.  I've found that I can use Audacity to super-compress a pile-driver to 
a steady -1 dB for the highest SSB PEP.Jim KJ2P
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