I'm trying to install PowerSDR on a Windows 8 Pro (64 bit) MacBook Pro 8gb
ram i7 processor with a Flex Radio 3000 and, after clicking "Next" on the
PowerSDR installer "Preparing to install" dialog I get the following error
message.  I was previously running PowerSDR 2.4.4 on this same system and
have not uninstalled this older version.  I have tried to run the installer
both "as administrator" by right clicking on the installer or by just double
clicking on the installer - same error each time.  A reboot did not help


I answered the following during the setup procedure:


Would you like to create a system restore point: Yes

A reboot is required: OK

Flex Control install info: OK

Are all previously installed versions shut down and radio powered off (They
were):  OK


Accept Agreement

Default install directory

Create Desktop Icon checked





Runtime Error (at 2:624):

SWbemObjectEx: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled
or because it has no enabled devices associated with it. 




It appears I could continue the install after seeing this error message but
I decided to cancel the install until I can understand the issue.


Thanks all







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