Newbie here, so pardon the questions. I've read everything I can find online but still this doesn't make sense to me.

I'm using the Flex 1500 as the IF rig for my transverters on 222, 902, and 1296. All take a 28 MHz IF input.

On 222, I've verified with several local stations that the desired frequency of 222.1 actually shows up as 28.105575 on my Flex IF. I'd like to use the XVTR function and set my "offset" so that I'm spot on frequency and can just type in 222.1 or save it in the memory.

Not sure if I need to adjust the Local IF offset setting or what? Can someone walk an idiot through the process?
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*Les Rayburn, N1LF*
121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114
6M VUCC #1712
Grid Pirates #222
Life Member Central States VHF

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