Not to be picking nits, but the 5K preamp might be useful on 160M (for example) if you're using small, multiturn loops for diversity antennas.
That's stretching things just a smidgen, maybe...

And Robert, if you want to tweak your system gain for the *BEST* dynamic range per band, calculate how much attenuation you need for 160, 80 and 40M then build a simple bandswitched attenuator box to go in the 5000A's RX1 loop. It would take a 2-pole, 3-position rotary switch, maybe 2 or 3 USD worth of resistors, (if you buy good ones) an aluminum hobby box and a couple of BNC connectors. Perhaps $20-$30 with all new parts.

But before you rush out to build it, ask yourself how many times an extra 5 or 10dB of dynamic range on the low bands would make the difference between doing something exceptional and not doing it.

My .02,

On 1/19/2013 5:52 PM, Robert Costa, KB6QXM wrote:

I like the procedure, but I have a 5000, so I have no attenuator to adjust. Any 

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----- Reply message -----
From: "Brian Lloyd" <>
To: "Robert Costa, KB6QXM" <>
Cc: "Ray percival" <>, <>
Subject: [Flexradio] Additional preamp on 40m and 30M...
Date: Sat, Jan 19, 2013 4:39 pm
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Robert Costa, KB6QXM <> wrote:

But considering that the radio is Software Defined, does that mean this will 
work on all of the Flex radios? 1.5k, 3k and 5k?

This is where you have to understand the HARDWARE in your software defined 
radio. Each of the flex radios have different attenuator and preamp 
capabilities. The 5000 is the simplest with just a single-gain preamp that can 
be switched in and out. It has no attenuator. The 3000 has an attenuator 
position and two preamp gain levels. If I recall properly, the 1500 has two 
attenuator and two preamp gain levels. (I am doing this from memory and could 
be wrong so don't string me up -- it doesn't matter for the sake of this 

On the lower bands (lower meaning lower in frequency) the atmospheric noise 
level is high enough that there is NO reason to ever turn on the preamp or at 
least not to the high-gain position. So, PowerSDR does not give you all the 
preamp options that are available in the radio on those lower bands because 
turning on the preamp would compromise the performance of the radio. Yes, those 
positions are there ON SOME OF THE RADIOS but they will only make the radio 
perform worse so you don't want to use them. Hence PowerSDR does not offer you 
the option. The dynamic range on the 5000 is much better and it has more 
headroom to accommodate very strong signal so it does not have or need an 
attenuator position.

So there is nothing magic or secret that Flex is hiding from you. They are 
doing that to preserve the dynamic range of the receiver. Yes, you probably can 
get the preamp into the high-gain position but that is only going to reduce the 
dynamic range of the radio, thus making it work WORSE. You want to be making 
more judicious use of the ATTENUATOR position in order to get best performance 
from your 3000 and 1500.

Here is a technique for setting the attenuator/preamp to get the best dynamic 
range for a given band. Select a dummy load instead of the antenna. Measure the 
noise floor of the receiver without the preamp. Switch back to your antenna. 
Now select the attenuator position that yields an increase in the noise floor 
by about 5-10dB over the dummy load. That will let you hear the weakest signals 
while maintaining the greatest dynamic range.

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