Good Morning, I’m doing a remote operation demo tomorrow morning for a community involvment project at the local Staples store.
Remote using 5000A into a LDG AT600 Pro2 autotuner with CommCat at the qth with CommCat Mobile on my Ipad2. I have the turn radio on/off button macros working; but having difficulty getting an antenna to tune. My 5000A does not have the antenna tuner installed. Trying to turn the Tune button on PSDR on/off. I’ve set the antenna autotuner to automatic , so it will tune when it sees rf. I’ve used the following commands from the Kenwood TS2000 command list with no success. AC (auto antenna tuner) and CA (cw auto tune). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks and 73 Marty W8AKS _______________________________________________ FlexRadio Systems Mailing List Archives: Knowledge Base: Homepage: