Phil :

I realized that I forgot to answer your question on how to adjust the Sidetone 
level on CW.

To do this go to  the Transmit tab (i.e. SETUP/Transmit). You will see 
something called "TX AF" 
under the heading "Monitor".  This controls the monitor volume for SSB and the 
sidetone level 
for CW.


Michael VE3WMB 

> >Message: 5
> >Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 06:33:23 -0600
> >From: Philip Townsend Lontz <>
> >To: Phil Cragg <>
> >Cc: "" <>
> >Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Flex 3000 for DX'ing and SDR
> >Message-ID: <>
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> >Yesterday I got my 1500 working... But what's up with the CW?? I can't heard 
> >the other stations when I'm transmitting. Plus my fist is all screwed up... 
> >Can't send worth a shit. WTF!
> >Can't find the side tone vol. 
> >back to the K3 and KX3 real CW machines that just work.
> >Looks like the 1500 will wind up on eBay... I still give it some more time.. 
> >It maybe that I just don't know how to use it correctly. 
> >It seems to me it needs to be at least as good in CW as the K line.
> >Phil
> >K5SSR
> >Santa Fe
> >Wanna be SOTA Shack Sloth.

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