Hi Bob-- I'm not sure anyone answered your sidetone volume problem.

Simple-- the main audio slider (upper corner area) switches to being the sidetone/monitor audio level slider when you key down. So hold a long key down and adjust the slider using mouse with the other hand hi hi. Works in both sideband and cw. Its in the manual.

Steve WA7DUH

On 11/16/2013 2:30 PM, Robert Miles wrote:
Hi folks,

I am a Flex newbie and really enjoying the receive experience.. absolutely
fantastic the point and shoot feature.  I never thought I would prefer this
interface to a rotary dial until I tried it.

Struggling on transmit though.

Few problems..

1)      On SSB .. I have made two qso's both in contests to guys with big

When I look at the spectrum in transmit, I notice three spikes in frequency,
about 600 KHZ apart, constant amplitude and when I am not speaking they
remain constant amplitude although the amplitude of the rest of my audio
drops down.

I haven't had a nice quiet QSO to ask anyone if the audio is ok and on
monitor it sounds clean. Lots of contests on right now

If I use the test mode with a single tone its nice and clean.

When I speak it looks really weird on the spectrum and three dark lines on
the waterfall!

2)      On CW it's the latency thing.. horrible noticeable delay between key
down and sidetone.. and no audio level control on the sidetone!.. Just not
nice.. never had this latency before on any analogue rig I have owned.
Someone said its been fixed.. either I have not set it up properly or they
are not CW operators!

Any thoughts?




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