I feel that Mr. Lehmann's comments are absolutely sound and, Joe, if I were in your position I would do exactly as he says. Actually, since I run both 100 watts and internal tuner and external amp with external manual tuner I have accidentally "stumbled upon" Hans-Joachim's thinking and experience no problems since I, too, am not a contester and have been able to manually tune things since 1959!


Lee   K9WRU
----- Original Message ----- From: "Hans-Joachim Lehmann" <df...@gmx.de>
To: "'Flexradio'" <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 5:01 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] Tuner Question for Flex-5000

Dear Joe,
if you are definitely sure you wouldn't ever need any other radio
and any higher power than your 100 W, the internal tuner could be
a good choice.
If you are seeing changes of radio or power even only in the
distant future, an external tuner is first choice.
Decide yourself whether to rely on electronics but save time,
e.g. in contests, or to spend 5 secs more on a manual tuner
(and even this may be the other way around pending on device and software).
I have used the good old Heathkit 2060 Tuner with good results
(keep the coil and roller in good condx),
the Tokyo Hi Power 2000 with better results (fixed coil connections,
but all bands tuneable) and the manual Palstar 5K to perhaps better results (just new - no experience yet).
The advertising on Palstar is overdoing a bit.
For example the Hi Power 2000 has ball bearings for his axles
but not so on the Palstar ("American workmanship" I read in advertisings).
Don't go for the old Daiwa 1000 and 2000 semi"automatics".

Hope it helps.
73 de Hans DF5HL

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