Here is what I found. If you make the mistake of attempting to start PSDR-DT while PSDR is running it pops up a message telling you that you must close PSDR first. If you then click cancel, close PSDR and attempt to start PSDR-DT again it will open but the Setup Data is wiped out and the Setup Data URL is gone. If you try to reenter the URL it won't let you do it. Maybe there is a magic key combination that will let you do it but I haven't found it and without it you are up the creek without a paddle. However, I found that the setup data is stored in C:\ProgramData\FlexRadio Systems\PowerSDR-DataTransfer\PowerSDR-DataTransfer.xml (at least it is on Windows 8.1). Keep a backup copy of that file so you can replace the bad setup data with good data and you are back in business.

Tim, check this out and if I'm right you have another bug to write up here.

73, Rich - W3ZJ

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