This has been bothering me for some time, and with the new release, I think now is the time to ask the question.
Scenario: I have F1.5k and F3k, two(2) home computers and a laptop. (Sometimes help a buddy with his f5k) All are working well with v2.6.4 All computers are set up to run either radio, but not both. (Both are config with same VAC and VSP ports and using DDUtil) PSDR v2.7.2 release notes states that new firmware will be installed on both radios. Question: If, after updating one of the computers, and updating the firmware, must I then update both the other computers, or may I run the non updated computers with the new firmware in the radios? One reason for asking is that my buddy may not want to do the upgrade. Bob, K4DJG _______________________________________________ FlexRadio Systems Mailing List Archives: Knowledge Base: Homepage: