If you're going to use DDutil, you may want to 'Un enable' AutoDetect in PSDR, 
and use DDU's Knob functions instead.  
I was in your shoes, and forced the Knob's port assignment in Windows Device 
{First find an empty hardware Com port in Device Manager 
Then Control Panel / Device Manager / Ports / Flex Control USB Control Knob /  
Port Settings / Advanced / COM Port Number (You Pick the Empty Hardware Port) .
Then DDU Setup / TKnob , and Enable the Flex Control, and set the port you set 
in the Device Manager.
When you open DDU next, the knob lights should come on.   
If not, there may be phantom ports left in Windows.  Track them down and kill 
them.  Start again.  

> Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2014 18:19:18 -0600
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Flexradio] Cannot get my Flex PC to recognize my new Flex Control   
> - I think
> Bought my self a new Flex control for Christmas.
> System: Flex 5000A with second receiver.
> Win PC  running Win 7. 64 bit.
> Unistalled PSDR 2.0.2 to get room on SSD
> The System is a Neal Campbell system with all the extraneous Win 7 
> services turned off
> Removed DDUTIL and VSP manager per Flex Control installation instructions.
> Installed Power SDR v2.7.2 and running with no problems.
> Rebooted.
> Plugged in Flex Control in a powered USB port. All lights lit up and 
> heard sound of system installing the device driver. However, I did not 
> get a message that says "FlexControl driver is successfully installed" 
> nor did I get a message that says "The device is ready for use" although 
> the Quick Start Guide for the Flex Control said that I should get such a 
> message.
> Loaded and started PSDR v2.7.2
> I went to the Power SDR Flex Control menu and clicked on simple 
> interface - Auto Detect already checked.  No joy.
> Clicked on the expert interface and tried various button and knob 
> pushes. No joy.
> Clicked on "reset to factory defaults" box in the Expert interface and 
> then chose the simple interface. No joy.
> Went back to the expert interface and clicked on "reset to factory 
> defaults" again. Left it on the expert screen. No joy.
> Went into the device manager of Win 7 and I could not find the Flex 
> Control listed anywhere.
> The Quick Start Guide refers to an Owner's Manual. Does this mean a 
> manual for the Flex Control or is this a reference to the Flex 5000A 
> owner's Manual?
> Is there a Win 7 service turned off that I need?
> Did I ruin a dependency when I uninstalled PSDR v2.0.2?
> Or what?
> Help...
> Brad A. Steffler
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