First of all, Thank you to all who responded, it was great.
The good news is that it is up and tuning and hopefully will work some good stuff.

This only goes to show how one thing can screw up your station.
I had disconnected everything and connected the L directly to the radio. In doing so, I moved the coax that runs from the radio to the tuner to the front of the op table which is a solid door. I also replaced the coax from the radio to the L . All of a sudden things started working and tuning. I put the original coax back in place only routed it away from the back of the op table to the front of the table. Lo and Behold, it is tuning with no crashes. I have to get the L higher in the air and more radials down; but Mother Nature has other ideas at the moment with rain and snow forecasted. I can wait.

The only thing I can surmise is the proximately of the radio to tuner coax which runs the length of the table was interacting with the other cables. Something so simple can drive you right up the wall.

Thanks again for all the suggestions and help.

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