1. Try resetting the database.
2.  Lower your power to about 5-10 watts and see if it is consistent across all 
bands.  If it is, then you may have an RF feedback issue.  I see RF feedback 
cropping up and going away at various times with my equipment.  I think I may 
have a grounding issue.
--------- Original Message --------- Subject: [Flexradio] Low Flex 3000 output 
on 20m
From: k...@arrl.net
Date: 3/23/14 10:56 am
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz

The output from the Flex is different on different bands on my four year old
 Flex 3000. Some bands more than 100, some less. The worst is 20m, where I
 only get 65 watts. That's at Power = 100, into a matched dummy load and
 measured by the PowerSDR as well as on my PW1 amp.
 Any suggestions for how to look into this?
 Thanks. 73, Bruce K6ZB
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