Perhaps the "pollution" situation is more of an ethical issue than a legal

An analogy might help to understand.  As far as I remember, the FCC and
other authorities place no legal constraints on audio quality.    A
transmitter with badly distorted audio and a loud 120 Hz hum is painful for
others to hear, but perfectly legal to transmit.  Most of us would be
embarrassed to use such a rig, and work vigorously to fix it when somebody
tells us we sound horrible.   Radio manufacturers, including Flex, tout
their rigs as possessing "excellent audio".   It's a feature to be proud
of, not required by legal rules, but considered polite to our society.

I'm not a microwave guy, but it sounds to me like the Flex units RF "sounds
horrible" in that society.   Not illegal, but something to know when you
make the decision as to which rig to get for your shack.  For much of us,
running on HF, it doesn't matter.   For others, it does, and they choose a
different rig, or, as some have done, simply put the unit on a shelf to
collect dust after you find out how bad you "sound" to your neighbors on
the bands.

/Jack de K3FIV

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 8:50 AM, Dave Gomberg <> wrote:

> At 13:20 4/22/2014, John Kramer wrote:
>> I read a disturbing post on the TS-2000 reflector claiming that the
>> legacy Flex radio’s pollute the
>> bands with noise….it claimed that the Flex-5000, 3000 and 1500 are by far
>> the worst of any modern
>> radio.
>> The poster also said that under no circumstances should a Flex be used
>> with an amplifier, as all
>> this noise is amplified.
>> Of course I jumped in to defend the Flex radio’s..
>> Then I received a private mail from the poster with a link to show an
>> extensive study that was done
>> which proves this point
>> Any technical hams, and Flex in particular, please read this link. I
>> would love to hear comments
>> on the validity of this claim
> If I read this article correctly, the out-of-bandwidth emissions are being
> compared.  As I recall, the FCC
> likes 60dB or so, which all the radios meet handily.  Sounds like a
> non-issue to me.
>> 73
>> John, ZS5J
>> Flex-5000, Flex-3000 and Flex-1500 owner
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