​Hello Bernd,

You will be just up the road from me here in Venice, FL. We just bought a
house here and I will spend my fall and winter getting the radio and
antenna's installed. I have a Flex 5000A in Ohio but don't use it down here
in FL. You will be about 20 minutes north of me. Planning on coming down
from Ohio in October and staying until late November.

Larry - W8LIG

> Hello guys,
> I will stay in Sarasota FL in October/November 2014.
> Are there any flexers living to meet during my vacations?
> Are there any possibilities to make a cw QSO from there to DL?
> That would be great!
> I will stay near Laurel Oak / Eagle hammock / Bee Ridge Roard (East of I
> 75).
> tnx, 73 de Bernd - DL9UAS
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