I realize that the SDR1000 is a totally different animal as far as it having an external Sound-card but with a Edirol Fa-66 you could get Jack in linux to run the radio. I've got my Flex-5000 connected to the same PC and ffado in linux recognized that it had the Flex5000 connected via firewire but there was no mixer avail so i never got it working with Jack. That was a couple of years ago so maybe Linux, ffado and Jack might still be something to look into. It would require a linux driver for the Dice chip in the Flex-5000. do the 3000 and 5000 use the same Dice chip? I think that is probably the current stumbling block. it wasn't so much the change to version 2 PowerSDR. I don't know who owns the software the Dice uses, Flexradio or TC Technologies or, if they could be persuaded to release the required driver bit's but I got curious about it after finding this PDF with Google. A SOFTWARE-DEFINED RADIO IONOSPHERIC CHIRPSOUNDER FOR HF PROPAGATION <http://www.eng.buffalo.edu/wnesl/papers/SDR_chirpsounder_nordic_hf_10.pdf> . In which they seemed to be using the Flex-5000 without going through PowerSDR If it can be done once couldn't that approach be used to get a Linux version written? I don't have the skills but somebody must. Read that PDF I linked, I looks like it's already been done.

 Jay - NO5J

On 5/15/2014 10:46 PM, Jay wrote:
If I remember correctly? If you choose a earlier version of the PowerSDR source can't you get to,some source that might enable you to write a Linux or Mac version that can use the Flex-3000 hardware? Version 1.18.6 could run the 3000 couldn't it? I thought the framework changes began after we moved to the 2 versions based on Pretty Betty. I know the SDR-1000 can run under Linux. Maybe it would only require rolling back to earlier source.

 Jay - NO5J

On 5/15/2014 8:01 PM, 'Paul Mullins' pmull...@adam.com.au [FlexRadio] wrote:

The answer might be that using PowerSDR we are all forced to install M$'s (.NET) framework, this is a messy way of programming. Also I have never been lucky enough to get it to install under linux regard less of flavor, I longed for a release that could be cross complied but it was never going to happen, they did promise it, a very long time ago, and then they changed the software they use to write the software under, at that time I would say was the 'Turing' point, it is a real pity as linux offers so much more that windows ever would (also the Apple guys). This would be the reason why I had to buy another computer and set it up only for the Flex 5000a VHF/UHF, the other fact is they will go out of their way to blame a computer, or the firewire card, or the memory, even the software OS. Every thing that was put into my box was first questioned to people in FlexRadio Systems now they blame the TI chipset PCI-e card. The whole system running flat out never goes over 25% CPU and 2 GIG memory out of the 8GIG installed this is the highest speed memory the board can use, even has those gamer heatsinks on it, The fact is this is the second fastest machine I own just, the main server is only 400MHz faster dual core.

cheers for now


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    ----- Original Message -----

    "flexradio" <flexra...@yahoogroups.com>

    Thu, 15 May 2014 15:24:55 -0700
    Re: [FlexRadio] Flex and MacBook Pro??

    On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 2:40 PM, 'David W0DHB' d...@w0dhb.net
    <mailto:d...@w0dhb.net> [FlexRadio] <flexra...@yahoogroups.com
    <mailto:flexra...@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

        It is complete and you can make changes and rebuild.

    Thanks Dave!

    I may need to ask my question more precisely though.

    Suppose I want to take the published PowerSDR source, use it to
    understand how PowerSDR interacts with the Flex hardware, and then
    write a completely separate program to use with my Flex instead of
    PowerSDR - i.e, something written to run on a Mac under OS/X, or
    on a Ubuntu Linux system, or on Android, rather than on Windows.

    Is that possible?   Or is there some other missing critical
    component, outside of the PowerSDR source, that makes such a
    project impractical.

    I can imagine, for example, that there might be closed-source
    components like maybe a Firewire driver that only comes in binary
    form for Windows, and would therefore be difficult to provide for
    another OS environment without knowing exactly how it interacts
    over the Firewire.

    I'm wondering if, when I declare my Flex-3000 to be obsolete, it
    has value as a sandbox for playing around with some software
    ideas.   Or should I get rid of it and buy one of the
    experimenter-friendly SDRs out there.

    /Jack de K3FIV

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