> Want an inexpensive laptop to run our 3000.  Go to Newegg or click on
> below.  I purchased one and it works well.  Very cheap price.
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834258637&c
> m_re=hp6930p-_-34-258-637-_-Product Good successMatthewKJ4TN

Good idea! Many people seem to be unaware of the extremely good deals
available on the used computer market. The last five computers I bought have
been used machines.

If you buy a laptop such as the one that was mentioned above, you might
consider installing a solid state hard drive. Boot-up time is great, and the
machine seems to run faster, especially when disk activity is required by
the program.

Best DX & 73,

Ralph  W5JGV - WD2XSH/7

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