My Flex 5000 (2nd RX and ATU about 4 years old) spent the last 3 ½ weeks at the factory for repair (I thought) of the amplifier keying circuit. It worked fine directly connected to my Ameritron ALS-600 at our old QTH. It then spent perhaps 4 months in its factory packing cartons. When I installed it at the new QTH, it would not key the amplifier (tested with same and several other different shielded audio cables). Whenever I connected the radio to the amp, the green operate light came on weakly. As at the old QTH, all equipment in my shack is connected via 1 inch tinned copper braid to a 10 foot ground rod no more than 8 feet away.
The amplifier appears to be working fine. When I ground the center pin of the RCA plug, it keys normally. While waiting for the repair, I did buy one of the Ameritron 704 solid state keying buffers. The amp also keys properly through the buffer when the center pin on the to radio cable is grounded. The good folks at flex called to say that they could find nothing wrong with my radio. However, they did strongly recommend using the Ameritron keying buffer device (which I bought in the interim). My question is has anyone ever run into this before? I did talk to Ed at Flex Service. He said that the radio meets all factory specs and that this sometimes happens as solid state devices change. In all respects, the Flex people have been courteous and professional. 73 Bill Roberts _______________________________________________ FlexRadio Systems Mailing List To opt out of the Reflector: