On 9/3/2014 10:18 PM, Jim McLester wrote:
For me - the Community sorta works and I can live with it if necessary but
I personally despise the alternate yahoo and hold my nose when I have to
use their forums. (or anything else)

I find the reflector to feel like listening to a conversation with the
opportunity to contribute or inquire if desired. Great!

The option to get the stuff as a digest at end of day can at times be very
useful but I do not use it very often.

I like the email reflector because I can save every single email in a folder in Thunderbird, and then use Thunderbird's very robust search feature to find any technical issue that's been discussed here.

And all this information will always be available to me, since it's not on someone else's Web server or forum database that might someday fail or be taken down.

But the community forum is okay, too. I've learned some things there.



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