I set up this spreadsheet to sort and pair VAC and VSPE ports for PowerSDR,
MiniDeluxe.and DDUtil
The spreadsheet also includes port pairs for WSPR, WSJT, Bob's S Meter and
another instance of PowerSDR running a Flex 3000.

Good Luck, Carol KP4MD

> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 14:36:10 +0100
> From: J M Swearman <morrice.m5...@blueyonder.co.uk>
> To: "FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz" <FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz>
> Subject: [Flexradio] flex 1500 minideluxe and ddutil
> Message-ID: <d067a431-3af6-4aca-af6a-7c78ba956...@blueyonder.co.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=us-ascii
> I am returning to sdr after a few years and have to admit that I have
> forgotten much of what  I once knew. I would be grateful if some one could
> point the way to a guide on how to set up minideluxe and ddutil on the
> 1500, Regards Morrice
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