On Saturday 15 December 2001 1:52 am, you wrote:
> I have manually deleted the directories Aircraft/c172/Instruments and
> Aircraft/c310/Instruments, because cvs tells that theese directories are
> not anymore in the cvs repository. With this action, the program fails to
> load the magnetic compass ribbon texture.
> Searching a bit, I noticed that the file src/Cockpit/panel_io.cxx has yet
> the line:
>       FGCroppedTexture
> texture("Aircraft/c172/Instruments/Textures/compass-ribbon.rgb");
> It must say, obviously, "Aircraft/Instruments/Textures/compass-ribbon.rgb",
> although I thought that this kind of things were setted via the xml
> configuration files only.
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I sent Curt a patch for that, I guess it's still in his inbox.
mag-compass is a special case because it's a built-in

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