Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Geoff McLane wrote:
>  > JSBSim stops after the QNAN's,
>  > and now YASim c172 seems unable to get speed to lift off ...
>  > Just one of those days ...
> Odd.  Jim Wilson also reported a "not enough power" situation (with
> the YASim 747) that I couldn't reproduce.  I didn't think to ask about
> platform.  Does anyone using MSVC have "correct" power behavior with
> the YASim planes?  Does anyone see such a problem using non-MS builds?
> This kind of platform bug gets really scary. :)
> Andy


I'm running linux.  My apologies for not having read the whole thread yet...if
this has been alrady been discussed further.  The 747 "seems" to have about
the right power for take off.  But it seems as though the thrust decreases
disproportionately as altitude increases to the point that I can't get above
the mid teens for altitude from a near sea level takeoff.  I upped the thrust
to 63000lb per engine (P&W spec) and that helped get it a few thousand feet
more.  I'll have to try again but I think the c172 seemed a little
underpowered here as well.



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