If I can put in my $0.02, I would like to see an effort de-couple the tasks that take place as a part of the IDLE loop. The process of loading tiles tends to slow down the frame rate quite considerably (by over 50%). Since I tend to try to stress the system, I do my test flights out of KSEA and head at 150 degrees (that is the closest mountain to the airport). I get less degradation where the terrain is simpler (i.e., in the middle if Iowa, KCID or KDSM). I know there is some desire to try an allow for an external terrain server, and this wold prep the way for one. I suppose that, ideally, there should be three threads. One for the FDM, one for loading tiles (and misc. operations), and one for building the display.

I would also like to see some effort to increase the frame rate. With my 1.2 GHz Athlon (512 MB RAM and RedHat 7.1), I get about 20-24 FPS around Seattle when not loading tiles. Ideally, I would like the frame rate to not drop below 30. This is because I would like to, eventually, incorporate a helicopter model and low frame rates will kill you. While loading tiles, under windows, i have the frame rate drop to below 5 FPS.

Jonathan Polley

On Thursday, January 31, 2002, at 07:44 PM, David Megginson wrote:

Aside from stabilizing our current flight models, I think that the
absolute top priority for 0.8 should be at least a minimal level of
runway lighting. While the general scenery lighting makes night
flying nice (and makes roads look great), landing at night is too hard
right now. All of us (including me) have our own pet projects, but
perhaps we can pull together and get this one problem out of the way
once we have 0.7.9 out.

Comments? Objections?

All the best,


David Megginson

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