On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, David Megginson wrote:

> Christian -- I'm developing my own weather DB in a separate stream
> (--with-new-environment) partly to give you and others a chance to
> integrate your code.  If you can tie it in to the rest of FlightGear
> (including the FDMs), I'll happily stop my own work and write off the
> couple of hours I've spent on it.  Here are a couple of suggestions:

I think I might be missing something here, so please let me know if I
am. Instead of taking what seems a lot like some kind of passive
aggressive approach, wouldn't have been a little easier to simply
propose a new interface for the environment subsystem?   Also,
wouldn't it be the FDM author's responsibility to integrate their FDM
into FG's other components?  Also, if only the three things listed
needed to be altered for the existing code to be acceptable, wouldn't
it have been easier to make the changes yourself?

Like I said, if I'm missing something, I'd really appreciate it if
someone would fill me in.

Is there a mailing list or website that discusses or describes what
components need to be developed or improved and how those components
should fit together?  I think I'm subbed to all the FG lists and I've
read the docs at FlightGear.org, but these don't have what I'm looking
for.  To someone looking into this project from the outside, changes
to the existing code and changes to accommodate "external projects"
seem to be made in an almost arbitrary manner.  If there is something
that could help define a context in which these changes should
be viewed, it might make it easier to attract contributors.


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