I've just made some changes to how 3D models are configured.  The
following properties are no longer used:


Instead, if the /sim/model/path property points to a file ending with
".xml", the FGAircraftModel class reads a property file at that
location to get information about the 3D model.  Initially, the
following properties are recognized:

  /path                 The path to the model, relative to the XML
                        file (not FG_ROOT).
  /offsets/heading-deg  The heading rotation for the model, in degrees.
  /offsets/pitch-deg    The pitch rotation for the model, in degrees.
  /offsets/roll-deg     The roll rotation for the model, in degrees.
  /offsets/x-m          The x-axis transformation, in meters.
  /offsets/y-m          The y-axis transformation, in meters.
  /offsets/z-m          The z-axis transformation, in meters.

Here's an example for my C172 model:

  <?xml version="1.0"?>


This uses the file c172-dpm.ac in the same directory as the 3D model,
rotates the model 270 degrees around the z-axis (the heading rotates
around z=0), and lowers it 1 meter along the z-axis.

Very, very soon, the file will also contain information on animating
parts of the model (propellers, ailerons, flaps, etc.) based on
property values.  This will work with *any* 3D format that allows
objects inside the 3D model to be named (including ssg, VRML, AC3D,
and, I think, MDL formats).

All the best,


David Megginson

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