Martin van Beilen wrote:
 > Actually it is fairly easy to make the property manager Thread
 > Safe<tm>. All regular r/w locking can happen on a per-node basis, and
 > can be encapsulated transparently. The property manager seems like an
 > ideal candidate for IPC messaging, so if we want, it can be done.

This is the Great Myth of multithreading.  Threadsafe components are
not sufficient to protect against threadsafety violations.  The only
way to avoid deadlocks and race conditions is for the whole
architecture to support them from top to bottom.

Making the property manager threadsafe isn't the issue; sure it can be
done.  The problem is that *using* the property manager (or anything)
from multiple threads leaves you open to race conditions that occur
due to unsynchronized changes to the property values.

For those with Java experience, consider the Vector class.  It's
threadsafe, right?  Right.  Now enumerate over it in one thread while
modifying it in another.  Is *that* threadsafe? :)


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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