Hi & Help....

"Base package check failed.. Found version [none]"
"Please upgrade to version 0.7.9"

The above is what happens when I try to run ./fgfs (from the terminal).

I am using Mandrake 8.0.

Installed SimGear-0.0.17 (tar version)

Installed FlightGear-0.7.9 @ --prefix=/usr/local/FlightGear (tar version)

Un-Tarred fgfs-base-0.7.9 @ usr/local/FlightGear. It looks like it's there to 
me. Version file claims to be 0.7.9. Out of desperation I un-tarred the base 
package into the below directories:

All installations seemed to install happally.

I also did a few re-builds, removed config.cache and did the distclean 
thingy, but same problem.


Jeff Davis

P.S. Did not have fg0.7.8 installed on this hard drive, new install, but did 
try to install a RPM package for fg0.7.9 but the SimGear RPM was not right so 
I am giving the tar versions a try.

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