On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 08:04, Alex Wolff wrote:
> Hey people,
> Right, been a lurker for long enough and though I'd contribute to the tide
> of email into your inboxes.
> I still need to actually get flight gear to build on MSVC but once that is
> done will be able to invest a bit of time into flightgear.
> So... the question is... where to start? I'm tempted to try reorganising the
> start-up code in main to get the FDM interface into a more modular (Init /
> Bind / Update) pattern, ideally I'd like to get it separated enough that I
> can start up flightgear fdm-less and choose a plane / fdm from a menu  /
> dialog box... that's my longish term goal anyway.

I don't object to starting FDM-less, but it might be easier if you knew
that FDM init doesn't take very long (at least to my observation) and
that the reset menu item completely re-initializes it so that might be a
good place to start.
In other words, go ahead and start with an FDM and, let the user choose
a different one (if desired) and internally trigger a reset with the new
aircraft and FDM.

>From a usability point of view, I think it would be better if the user
got *something* he could fly by default.

> Anyway, the reason this is replied to under the view thread is that I was
> thinking about the view code for a bit and thought that before you guys
> started working on implementing a configurable system, it might be worth
> considering the kinda things we'd want from it - for instance I think that
> any ground view should at least have the option of:
>   <view>
>       <type>ground</type>
>       <max-distance-m>10000</max-distance-m>  //max distance from fdm before
> switch out or 0 for none
>       <start-up>
>               <position>
>                       <left-m>5</left-m>
>                      <before-m>3</before-m>
>                      <agl-m>2</agl-m>
>                      <fixed>no</fixed>
>               </position>
>               <rotation-deg>130</rotation-deg>
>               <pitch-deg>130</pitch-deg>
>               <zoom>80%</zoom>
>                       <autos>
>                               <zoom>on</zoom>
>                               <rotation>off</rotation>
>                               <pitch>on</pitch>
>                       </autos>
>       </start-up>
>       <persist>Rotation&&Position</persist>           //controls what if any 
>settings are
> saved between view switches... //otherwise use startup settings
>       <rotation>
>       <display>yes</display>
>       <enabled>yes</enabled>
>               <autorotate>
>               <enabled>yes</enabled>
>               <max speed-rad/s>pi/4</maxSpeed-rad/s>
>               </autorotate>
>       <leftstop-rad>0</leftstop>
>       <rightstop-rad>pi</rightstop>
>       <loop>yes</loop>
>       </rotation>
>       <pitch>
>       <display>yes</display>
>       <enabled>yes</enabled>
>               <autopitch>
>               <enabled>yes</enabled>
>               <max speed-deg/s>15</maxSpeed-rad/s>
>               </autopitch>
>       <topstop-deg>80</topstop>
>       <bottomstop-deg>-15</bottomstop>
>       </pitch>
>       <zoom>
>       <display>yes</display>
>       <enabled>yes</enabled>
>               <autozoom>
>               <enabled>yes</enabled>
>               <max speed-m/s>100</max speed-m/s>
>               </autozoom>
>       <upper-limit>2000</upper-limit>
>       <lower-limit>100</lower-limit>
>       </zoom>
> </view>
> you could also associate sound effects with rotation / pitch / zoom and
> different ones for reaching limits.
> Finally, what would be great is if we could associate a ssg node (with
> special case for 2D things like panel) to each view that would let them have
> something displayed right in front of them (eg. A car model for someone
> parked at end of a runway, a vitual cockpit, etc. If we could specify
> individual ssg nodes for rotation with view (i.e. pilots glasses for pilot
> view... gun turret for gun view), pitch and zoom that would be even
> better...
> Anyway, just some ideas... will leave the view code alone for the minute so
> you guys can work on it.
> Alex Wolff
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Tony Peden
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