Hi folks,

I got in touch with Curt a few days ago to try to get some help on
making Windows binaries for my project (Vamos Automotive Simulator
http://vamos.sourceforge.net).  He invited me to join the list to try to
recruit some help.  So drop me a line if FlightGear isn't keeping you
busy enough:)

Also, Curt suggested turning my ground vehicle model into a module for
FlightGear.  I don't have a lot of experience with programming graphics
and sound, so using the FG framework might be a good way to go.  If
anyone has interest in helping me get started just let me know.

I haven't gotten much in the way of feedback on Vamos, so if you decide
to try it out I'd be interested in any impressions or suggestions you
might have.  Try driving the car really slowly; the engine sample might
sound a little familiar:)  Thanks.


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