>On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 14:20:49 -0500
>>Michael Selig writes:
>>  > If we do add the myriad properties for many aircraft configuration
>>  > types to LaRCsim.cxx it means adding lots of code I think.
>>  > [3] The properties structure is pretty general. It seems like it
>>  > would be pretty easy to trample over someone else's property
>>  > definitions and/or make poor/improper usage of them? Is there a
>>  > standard list of reserved properties?
>David M. replied:
>>Nothing's been finalized, but I haven't heard any screaming
>>objections.  When you want to put information into one of the existing
>>subtrees like /surface-positions or /engines, it would probably be a
>>good idea to post a short message to see if the other FDM maintainers
>>are willing to go along.
>Jon replies:
>The best solution would be for the UIUC guys to bite the 
>bullet and port their work to use JSBSim. :-)  :-)  :-)

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