Jonathan Polley writes:

 > The only thing I see it complain about is using std::sort.  If I try 
 > 'using std::sort,' as is done if PROPS_STANDALONE is defined, I get the 
 > same errors.  Considering the problems I am having getting JSBSim to 
 > compile, with similar complaints, I am getting concerned that something 
 > has gone terribly wrong.  If I had a better understanding of C++ and/or 
 > STL, I could be more help hunting this down.  I may have to attempt a 
 > re-install of MSVC tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure that this is another MSVC conformance bug.  There is a
C function sort in stdlib, and there is a C++ function sort with a
different signature in std.  I always try to avoid 'using namespace
std' in C++, just as I avoid things like "import*" in Java --
they're both bad design.  In this case, however, it seems to be a
necessary evil, so I'll make the change in SimGear.

All the best,


David Megginson

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