On Sunday, March 24, 2002, at 08:49 PM, Tony Peden wrote:

On Sun, 2002-03-24 at 18:09, Jon Berndt wrote:

You aren't at Flight Dynamics division, are you?

error. Does specifying '--pedantic' on the gcc command line cause any
other warnings?
Jonathan Polley

If I try using the --pedantic option I get this:

----------- start ----------
g++ -I../ --pedantic -Wall -oFGDeadBand.o -c FGDeadBand.cpp
g++ -I../ --pedantic -Wall -oFGFilter.o -c FGFilter.cpp
FGFilter.cpp: In method `void FGFilter::Debug(int)':
FGFilter.cpp:224: warning: use proper indentation
FGFilter.cpp:224: warning: you are obviously a newbie; try Visual Basic
g++ -I../ --pedantic -Wall -oFGGradient.o -c FGGradient.cpp
g++ -I../ --pedantic -Wall -oFGSwitch.o -c FGSwitch.cpp
g++ -I../ --pedantic -Wall -oFGFCSComponent.o -c FGFCSComponent.cpp
FGFCSComponent.cpp: warning: you didn't use `itBias' what's the deal!?
FGFCSComponent.cpp:91: warning: This code is nauseating me
g++ -I../ --pedantic -Wall -oFGGain.o -c FGGain.cpp
FGGain.cpp: In method `void FGGain::Debug(int)':
FGGain.cpp: error: compiler getting sick ... cannot go on ... must .

Internal combustion error

----------- end ----------

Are you sure you didn't use the --whine switch?

I think --pedantic == --whine.

FWIW, this is Merrian-Webster has to say )

Date: circa 1600
1 : of, relating to, or being a pedant
2 : narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned
3 :

So, obviously something is wrong. Not only am I perplexed, I am offended and


Actually, I tried the --pedantic option and got no additional errors. My gcc
version is 2.95.3-5

In the past, when MSVC complained about something and gcc did not, using --pedantic caused them to agree (MSVC would be errors and gcc would be warnings). I was hoping this would be the case again. *sign*

I am grasping at some pretty thin straws with these, but do this make any sense:

Could the compiler be getting confused by the (inlined?) functions called Tie and the templates called Tie? The versions of Tie that have four parameters are the templates, as far as I can tell.

If this were C or Ada, I could probably point to the problem, but this being C++, and templates to boot, I haven't the foggiest idea.


Jonathan Polley

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