On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 09:26:47 -0600 (CST)
  "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>What I'm seeing (and this behavior did change
>recently) is that the JSBSim C172 now requires 
>significant rightaileron/rudder to hold straight level flight, even at 
>full throttle, full speed, level flight.  Even in a descent I see a lot 
>of turning force and need to compensate with right rudder/aileron to 
>maintain a straight path.

great ...

>So, I hearby decree that this is a problem with JSBSim (or at least
>the JSBSim C172 model) and not the autopilot or FlightGear or recent
>property manager changes.

Does the same thing happen with the X-15 or C-182?


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