Andy Ross writes:

 > Not only should the panel not be going to the viewer for this
 > information; it shouldn't be going *anywhere* for the information.  It
 > should simply spew vertices in the aircraft's coordinate frame at
 > OpenGL, and expect that everything should work.  That way, you can do
 > any magic you want to the pilot viewpoint, using as many wacky
 > parameters as you can think of, and the panel will always render
 > correctly at its proper location without having to be modified to
 > support your changes.

For the record, if anyone wants to fix that, they are welcome too.
The 2D panel was my very first OpenGL project, written as a learning
exercise, and I do not deny that it is sloppy and poorly-integrated in
its current state.

All the best,


David Megginson

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