Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Nope; just the matrices.  The panel knows that if it runs an airframe
> coordinate through teh modelview and projection matrices, it'll get
> screen coordinates in the range [-1:1].  Just invert that matrix and
> we can go from screen coordinates to airframe, thence to panel
> coordinates.  It's a little more complicated in practice, but that's
> the essence of the problem.  The panel certainly doesn't need to know
> anything specific about the model or the viewer.  It can do it all on
> its own, without reference to anything but the OpenGL render state.
> Again, that's the point behind scene graph architectures.
Interesting. I've read about this method but assumed it was best for more
complex scenes.  What I was thinking is that with the offset values you could
essentially remap the panel's 2D hot spots to new 2D locations, but that's
perhaps a bit heavy computationally.



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