On Thu, 04 Apr 2002 14:03:10 -0500
  Justin Palamar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hello, flightgear devolpers, this is my first message to 
>this list, so please excuse any question that may sound 
>'stupid', I'm just a newbie.

We all remember when we were newbies - no question is 
stupid. This *answer* may be, though ;-) And this is as 
good a place as any to post your question.

>I am currently a member of a development team working on 
>a Senior Design project at Pennsylvania State University. 

PSU? Does John Anderson still teach aero there?

> We were assigned to construct a Blackhawk flight 
>simulator for educational use within the Rotocraft 
>center.  We decided early on to use flightgear as our 
>engine, due to its vast customizability.  We were having 
>problems in a few areas, and if anyone could provide ANY 
>insight on any of these subjects I would greatly 
>appretiate it.

Have you seen the rotorcraft-related technical reports at 
Richard McFarland's web site at Ames?

>1) A design goal was to have a moving aircraft carrier 
>within the simulator with the option to land on its deck
>Right now we have only been able to insert the static 
>model by editing the appropriate .stg scenery file, 
>         "OBJECT_STATIC saratoga.3ds -122.353617 
>37.624617 -130 0"

The following statement is an off-the-top-of-my-head idea 
thrown out to the developer wolves for your amusement 
only. However, it is an approach that might be a decent 
hack. Note that I am vaguely aware of other most assuredly 
better ways to do this, but here goes, anyway:

JSBSim will soon have the ability to model multiple flight 
vehicles - or rather, multiple _vehicles_. This design 
feature is specifically for carrying and dropping bombs, 
missiles, experimental aircraft, etc. and flying them out 
to completion, or staging a launch vehicle, etc. However, 
it could also be used for such things as an AI "spotter" 
plane flying a viewpoint "camera" near an aircraft of 
interest. Or, I am thinking, just perhaps, it could model 
an aircraft carrier at sea, given the right set of 
parameters. It would have few, if any, "aero" coefficients 
(instead they would be "fluid" coefficients), and the 
ground reactions (landing gear) would be a bit different 
than that of an aircraft, instead representing bouyancy? 
Or maybe that would be done by "fluid" coefficients. 
Norman might have some observations on this.

In any case, the multi- capability is not quite "there", 
yet. I plan on having a bunch of time this weekend to 
program, and  hope to get that stuff in JSBSim CVS at 
least in beta this weekend.

Whether or not this might actually work for an aircraft 
carrier in JSBSim is unknown to me at the moment, but I 
think it could work OK. I might play with it once the time 
comes. In the meantime, I am sure there will be better 
ways presented here of doing what you want.

How are you modeling the helicopter dynamics?


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