Just updated to the newest CVS for everything.  While linux us now 
compiling and running just fine (thanks Curt), MSVC continues to whine.

First:  The #include <fg_props.hxx> in viewer.cxx needs to be #include 
Second: I am getting the following error when building SimGear

C:\SimGear\simgear\misc\props.cxx(1920) : error C2665: 'delete' : none of 
the 2 overloads can convert parameter 1 from type 'const char *'
C:\SimGear\simgear\misc\props.cxx(1949) : error C2248: 'entry' : cannot 
access public class declared in class 'SGPropertyNode::hash_table'
         C:\SimGear\simgear\misc\props.hxx(1124) : see declaration of 
C:\SimGear\simgear\misc\props.cxx(1949) : error C2248: 'entry' : cannot 
access public class declared in class 'SGPropertyNode::hash_table'
         C:\SimGear\simgear\misc\props.hxx(1124) : see declaration of 
C:\SimGear\simgear\misc\props.cxx(1950) : error C2248: 'entry' : cannot 
access public class declared in class 'SGPropertyNode::hash_table'
         C:\SimGear\simgear\misc\props.hxx(1124) : see declaration of 

As usual, it is having problems with overloading, and my C++ skills are 
non-existent in this area.

While FlightGear proper compiles just fine, it complains at link time:

FGOutput.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: double 
__thiscall FGFCS::GetThrottlePos(int)" (?GetThrottlePos@FGFCS@@QAENH@Z)
FGTrimAxis.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: double 
__thiscall FGFCS::GetThrottleCmd(int)" (?GetThrottleCmd@FGFCS@@QAENH@Z)

I have looked and the only thing I see that is different about these two 
routines, from what I am use to seeing, is that they are 'const.'  They 
are both public so I am not sure why MSVC is not putting them in the 
global symbol table.

double GetThrottleCmd(int engine) const;

Removing the 'const' causes problems to crop up elsewhere.


Jonathan Polley

p.s.  Another odd thing happened.  It seems that, in the latest update of 
FGAerodynamics, when

inline double GetForces(int n) const {return vForces(n);}

was changed to

double GetForces(int n) const {return vForces(n);}

that MSVC no longer has a problem with the overloading of GetForces() (i.e.
, I could abandon my local changes).  Any ideas on that one?

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