> Jon Berndt writes:
> > > Right now our wheels are stored in an array.  Is there anywhere that
> > > defines which position corresponds to which wheel ... something along
> > > the lines of:
> > >
> > > wheel[0] == nose
> > > wheel[1] == left
> > > wheel[2] == right
> > >
> >
> > from JSBSIm.cxx:
> >
> >     FCS->SetLBrake( globals->get_controls()->get_brake( 0 ) ); //left
> >     FCS->SetRBrake( globals->get_controls()->get_brake( 1 ) ); //right
> >     FCS->SetCBrake( globals->get_controls()->get_brake( 2 ) ); // center
> --
Do aircraft really have nose wheel brakes? Most equipment I'm familiar with
have the brakes
on the mains.

Well, the 747 has five sets of wheels. Should there be a convention all can
use? I might suggest

nose - 0
left- 1
right - 2
left_rear - 3
right_rear - 4

for gear numbering and since there are no brakes on the nose the zero seems

Jon mentioned something about using the glass displays for a possible app?
The program now has both
file-based and command line initialization  so it's a bit more user friendly
and the linux build is clean
once the library fonts are installed. And there is a short tutorial and
install doc. Any further info regards
the app or what might be required regards OpenGC capabilities?

John W.

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