Jonathan Polley  writes: 
Although SimGear is now building under MSVC (thanks).

MSVC also does not like having constants defined in a class (net_fdm.hxx and raw_ctrls.hxx).

static const int FG_MAX_ENGINES = 4;
static const int FG_MAX_WHEELS = 3;
static const int FG_MAX_TANKS = 2;

When I used the recommended, and I apologize for not remembering by whom, change to

enum {FG_MAX_TANKS = 2,

it compiles, links, and runs just fine. 
I believe that all that is needed is to declare the variables
outside of the class declaration with file scpe 

ie in the header  -- foo.hxx

class foo {

static const int a:


and then in the C file  - foo.cxx - somthing like this should work

const int foo::a = 5;


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