> > To be fair, however, what many people call "unflyable" around here isn't
> > anywhere near the case.  The most recent JSBSim complaint, for example,
> > only took two clicks of keyboard aileron to correct at climbout speeds.
> I was talking to a pilot friend of mine the other day. He was telling me
> that during takeoff pilots are so accustomed to countering the various
> torques on the aircraft by using small corrections that they almost don't
> even notice it, or forget they are doing it. It's just natural. If one's
> setup does not include rudder pedals, I wonder if that's an impediment to
> judging the takeoff controllability? I don't know. I haven't flown for
> real in a long time. And the vehicles I have lots of real flight simulator
> experience in don't really count .  ;-)

If you're flying a real aircraft (aka JSB etc) rather than LaRC or
MS (that don't do yaw properly), it is well worth using the rudder.
On the keyboard, I probably hit "0" and "enter" at least as often
as I use the arrow keys for the yoke.  Of course, I use the "home" and
"end" keys each a lot more than any of those six (but so what).

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