John Wojnaroski wrote:
 > Indicated Airspeed (IAS)
 > Calibrated Airspeed (CAS)
 > Next comes Equivalent Airspeed (EAS)
 > Finally TAS
 > Bottom line question for the FDM' rs: Would you take a few moments
 > to comment/explain how your models handle the various airspeeds.

The FDM interface treats CAS and IAS identically -- the calibration
error, as you point out, is poorly defined and will vary between
installations.  All FDMs simply report a single "calibrated airspeed"
value; if other code wants to model the vagaries of a given ASI, then
it's welcome to. :)

It's also worth pointing out that the FDMs work, internally, with a
real, 3D velocity.  So TAS is what you get natively as the projection
of velocity along the aircraft's X axis; everything else is computed
from that.  EAS is really simple -- it's just the true speed
multiplied by the square root of the density ratio; it corresponds
directly to a given dynamic pressure (which is the space in which
force constants like drag coefficients are measured).

CAS gets hairy.  At low speeds, it's identical to EAS.  At higher
speeds, it needs to be corrected for compressibility; and at
supersonic speeds it needs to be corrected for shock wave effects.  I
have a good handle on the first two, but the shock stuff is beyond me.
JSBSim had code for doing this, so (after verifying that it agreed
perfectly at sub-mach numbers) I just used that. :)


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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