Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> This is off the top of my head with a healthy mix of speculation.
> But, I believe you can override the 'install' command in the
> Makefiles.  Often it is just "cp" or the is often an actual "install"
> program or similar "" script.  This means that in theory,
> you ought to be able to write a script that compares the md5sum of the
> installed file with the about to be installed file and only actually
> install it if the two files are different.

Now that you mention it, I haven't seen this begaviour for quite some 
time. The only difference I can think of is that I don't build SimGear 
and FlightGear in the root directory but instead I create a directory 
called $(top_dir)/build and start from there (run ../configure 
<whatever> from within this directory).

Maybe that solves this?


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