On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 09:33:23PM -0700, Alex Perry wrote:
> > > > For example, say I'm a long-time X-Plane user and just can't live with
> > > > the default FG key bindings.  I could create my very own
> > > > ~/.fgfs/keyboard.xml and completely override the master file.
> > > 
> > > That's exactly why the keymappings are broken out of the preferences.xml
> > > You can have two keyfiles and switch between them by changing one line.
> > 
> > You're assuming that the user has write access to the FGBASE dir -- I'm
> > not.  On a shared system, each user would have to have their own FGBASE
> > in order to use a different keyboard.xml file.  Right?
> Now I understand what you're asking.  First, I think you can over-ride the
> preferences.xml on the command line, write and refer to your own custom one,
> and inside that selectively refer to the subfiles of the original.
> Second, a read-only site-wide preferences.xml should be very minimalist
> so that it isn't too difficult to use the .fgfsrc and command line settings.
What about allowing the user to specify a .xml file to load instead
of the defaults for each of the config files? ie

fgfs --keyboard-prefs=~/.fgfs/my-keyboard.xml

and the like?

That'd make things /far/ more flexible, and it'd fit nicely with the
current .fgfsrc system . . . I don't know how the preferences
loading code works, but it shouldn't be hard to extend it to handle
this . . .


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