As far as the segfault itself, it had nothing to do with the font.  Plib 
does not segfault if it can't match the font (I checked).  The problem is 
that the string for that item was beyond plib's current limit of 80 characters
per char[].  David has a fix in his Inbox that truncates before display (the
listbox in prop picker doesn't show 80 characters anyway).

It would be good to have a font that displayed all the required charcters.
Currently none of the ones that come with plib do.



Norman Vine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Alex Perry writes:
> >The PLib Font system does not claim 
> >> to be a universal font renderer in fact just the oposite in that
> >> it gives you only the characters that  it can pack into a 256x256
> >> image. This is primarily for performance reasons.
> >
> >I think it's a bug if PLIB crashes because I ask for an 
> >unavailable char.
> When you want speed you have to make tradeoffs and the PLib 
> Library in general is a collection of  VERY FAST LOW LEVEL
> routines. error checking has to be done by the user !!
> >> FWIW I have been experimenting with using the freetype library
> >> with PLib and this would give us all the characters in any or the 
> >> truetype fonts.  These do look MUCH better in that they are 'true
> >> vector' fonts but they are noticeably slower to render
> >
> >How about starting with an empty PLIB-style texture, and 
> >adding characters
> >to it incrementally using freetype, whenever they are first 
> >used to render
> >to the screen.  When it gets full, use LRU to overwrite 
> >existing entries.
> No need to use freetype for this as there are much easier 
> 'documented' ways to build a PLib font map.  Also you would
> still end up with a 'texture mapped' font this way so you haven't 
> gained any thing in quality
> see the PLib docs for more info on how to build a custom Font map
> Norman
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