At 09:47 PM 5/4/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>If any of our developers out there are looking for their next project
>to work on, this could be a really interesting one to look at.  This
>will probably be a fairly good sized chunk to bite off, but if we can
>get this running in FlightGear it would be really cool.  *Lot's* of
>geek points for who ever can pull this off. :-)

It's interesting: I started some initial cloud stuff a while ago, which 
still is the basis for our current cloud setup I believe. About six months 
ago, Erik Hofman sent the url for Mark Harris' paper to the list, and I 
found out that this Guy actually works at UNC and lives in Chapel Hill, 
while in the meantime, I moved to Duke and live in Durham, NC, which is 
about 12 miles Chapel Hill.

Unfortunately, my time is still very limited, but I'll have a look at the 
source later today and see what it's like. It would be an interesting 
opportunity to work with the guy, especially because now that we're 
virtually living around the corner.


Durk Talsma, Center for Cognitive Neurosciences,
Duke University, LSRC Bldg, Box 90999,
Durham, NC 27708-0999

Why quote somebody else?

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