Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> When I reported the 747 problem, it had nothing to do with approaching.
> The 747 didn't work at all! Not even the scenery was shown, before fgfs
> aborted. Just the HUD and the sky.

Right.  That was a simpler problem -- a bad configuration file in the
archive that, ahem, no one reported.  :)

This bug was one that John Wojnaroski and others reported a while
back.  The YASim configuration file says that the 747 should trim for
approach at 7 degrees AoA and 130 knots with 20% fuel.  In flight, the
model didn't do that -- you'd be trimmed at 160+ kias even at maximum
elevator authority.

> The yasim C310 is broken now, like the 747 was before: It endlessly
> (10000 times?) outputs these:
>   p0 1.689844 p1 1.684052 e -0.226954 d 0.029176
>   l 85.502754 d 0.013781 aoa 0.029065 inc 0.065312 ele -0.226954

Gack, sorry.  That's debug code left in the checkin.  Mom always told
me never to check stuff in at bedtime.  I'll get that fixed pronto.

No idea what the issue is with the 310 -- I'm pretty sure I test-flew
all of the aircraft before the checkin.  Maybe I missed a data file in
the tarball?  I'll take a look this evening.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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