[Curt: this deserves a link on the FlightGear site.]

[Jon: ditto for the JSBSim site.]

I think that this could be a treasure trove of aero data from the
European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation.  Here's the
abstract from the BADA manual for version 2.6:

  The Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) provides a set of ASCII files
  containing performance and operating procedure coefficients for 166
  different aircraft types. The coefficients include those used to
  calculate thrust, drag and fuel flow and those used to specify
  nominal cruise, climb and descent speeds. User Manual for Revision
  2.6 of BADA provides definitions of each of the coefficients and
  then explains the file formats. Instructions for remotely accessing
  the files via Internet are also given.

These seem to be designed for ATC use, hence the limited selection of
aero coefficients, but still, it's something.  Here's the link to the
complete version of the 2.6 manual:


And here's the location of the actual data files (current version
seems to be 3.3):


For each aircraft, there are three files:

1. The Airline Procedures File (*.APF).
2. The Aircraft Performance Operational Files (*.OPF).
3. The Performance File (*.PTF).

As an example, here are the files for the Dash-8:


Unfortunately, the DC-3 doesn't seem to be included.  With 166
different models, you'd think they might have slipped it in...

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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