Christian Mayer writes:

 > > If you mean large transport planes, then it's a whole different story.
 > > Big birds like the 747 (or even a 50-seater regional jet) have a large
 > > set of very long, very expensive manuals governed by the ATA 2100
 > > standard, with names like AMM, FIM/FRM, CMM, SRM, and so on.  The AMM
 > > (Aircraft Maintenance Manual) alone for a big jet can be over 200,000
 > > pages, and it has to be updated every couple of months -- you can be
 > > that the cost of that gets passed on to the customer somehow.
 > Well, there should be outdated version of it. As they are "useless" we
 > should be able to get them very cheap. But who sells them?

The airlines get them directly from the aircraft manufacturers.  I'd
be surprised if they were allowed to resell outdated ones.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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