On Fri, 31 May 2002 13:51:49 -0700
  Dave Tessman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is there any interest in space flight simulation out there?

I don't think it's ruled out, at all. There are at least 
two issues I can see:

1) FlightGear might have to modify the visuals approach it 
is currently using to model the earth sphere.

2) The flight dynamics model. JSBSim models centrifugal 
acceleration, but currently not Coriolis acceleration - 
though this shouldn't be hard to add *when I have time*!

I want to be able at some point to have JSBSim support 
staged rockets with configurable GNC, but those things are 
down the road a bit.

In short, it's a potential "target area", but there are 
some dominoes that need to fall first. You interested in 
helping? :-)


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